Thursday, June 16, 2011


First there was PLoS, now there is JOVE.

Biological, biomedical, neurological and medical science research has a new outlet. Alongside a paper version of research, JOVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) publishes an online video version of the research paper.

JOVE is peer-reviewed, open source, Web 2.0 with community feedback and multi-modal. The official description from all JOVE webpages is:
"Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is an online research journal employing visualization to increase reproducibility and transparency in biological, medical, chemical and physical research."

Could this be the way of the future for academic publishing? Will linguistics researchers and journals be able to follow the lead of the medical sciences? In this great example (Brümmer, V., Schneider, S., Vogt, T., Strüder, H., Carnahan, H., Askew, C. D., Csuhaj, R., Coherence between Brain Cortical Function and Neurocognitive Performance during Changed Gravity Conditions. doi: 10.3791/2670. J Vis Exp. 51 (2011)) from the German Sport University Cologne, you will find a description of the methodology of the experiments, discussion of the results, and brief explanation of how the results can be applied, in addition to watching people fly to zero-gravity to perform tests. You will also watch a little self-promotion by the researchers while doing the CARS* step in the research paper genre. Throughout, however, the level of English is very high, and so we need to ask whether this would be yet another prohibitive measure to non-native speakers when trying to publish academic research. Academics of the future may have to be able to submit publishable English in written form and speak about it to internationally acceptable standards.

*Create A Research Space

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